Wanna start out with a really easy project? Know anyone who has or is going to have a baby? This post is for you!!
I'll teach you how to make a Boppy cover without a zipper. It's easy, it's cheap and it should take less than an hour.
Ok so for any sewing project, to start out you need a few things: besides the sewing machine and thread, you need fabric and a pattern. I chose to use cotton on one side and super-soft minky on the other. With this pattern, there is a bottom so you need to decide which one is going to be the top. If you choose to use minky, there's no reason to use it on both sides except for aesthetics. Minky is going to run you $14.99/yard (regular price) at Joann's so conserve your expensive fabric and use a cute quilting cotton on the bottom instead! This also helps to make it a bit sturdier since Minky is very stretchy and cotton is not.
You need 1/2 yard of the top fabric and 1/2 yard of the bottom or 1 yard if you are using the same fabric. There are so many cute fabrics out there to choose from! I love all the printed flannels out there that are super soft too! That might be my next one.
Then, you need a pattern. If you have a boppy, take your cover off and fold it in half, then trace it 1/2" outside of the edge of the boppy except for the fold line. I used a paper bag for my pattern paper. If you don't have one or don't want to do that, you can find a free printable boppy pattern
Ok now that you have all your supplies ready, it's time to get started!!
Fold your minky (or whatever fabric you chose for the top) in half and lay it out. Lay your pattern on top, lining up the FOLD line with your fold in your fabric. Carefully cut it out. You can pin your pattern down if you like.
When you're done, you will have a piece like this. My little "helper" was with me, you can see.
Then lay out your bottom fabric and fold it in half. I used a striped fabric so it's very easy to tell what I'm doing here. You need to lay your pattern down about
2" away from the fold of the fabric. This is very important. See the pictures.
Then cut it out.
Ignore the fact that I cut outside of my pattern. I had originally made this pattern to exactly replicate the Boppy covers, which has another strip of fabric on the inside curve, but this one I wanted to be quick and easy so I omitted that step and adjusted the pattern.
Now cut this in half along the fold.
OK now usually, I try to avoid ironing and hemming but, this one is easy. It's a straight line AND I used striped fabric so it's even easier!
Take your 2 pieces of bottom fabric to your ironing board and iron 1/4"
Then fold again and measure another 1" seam and iron.
Now if you have a serger, you can serge it, cutting off 1/4" and then fold 1" and iron. This is probably what I will do in the future, but it was naptime and this fabric just made it too easy!
Now sew your seam at about 7/8" and repeat for the other piece. Don't forget to backstitch at the beginning and end of each seam.
Now lay your top fabric down face up and lay your two bottom fabric pieces on top, face down, overlapping in the center.
Pin generously!
Sew all the way around with 1/2" seam. Backstitch the beginning and end of your seam. I recommend starting on the side so it's not near a high-stress area. Add a cute little label in there if you have one!
Your cover should look something like this. I guess I was a little sloppy when cutting out my pattern.
Now, if you made your own pattern, I recommend you turn it right side out and test the fit. Actually, I guess you don't need to turn it.
I realized that I needed to take it in on the inside curve.
See how I just sewed another seam? It'll be cleaned up at the next step.
Now you need to stabilize the seam. Either serge it or trim it and run a zig-zag seam all the way around.
This really helps make the seam stronger and if you're using cotton, prevents fraying during washing.
Slap another label on there and you're done!
Easy peasy!!! I hope you will try this and let me know how it worked out for you! I am going to make another one tonight!
If you are wondering just how cheap this project is, here's the breakdown:
1/2 yard of minky: $3.75 (I only buy minky if I have a coupon or it's on sale. I had a 50% off coupon for Joann's)
1/2 yard of quilters cotton: $2 (You can easily get a cute print for $3.99/yd or use a coupon
Out of pocket cost:
Time spent: 1/2-1 hour
Boppy brand minky slipcover:
Whoo-hoo! You just saved $20 in an hour or less!
Now go make a couple of these for yourself or your preggo friends!